Thursday, May 06, 2004

working for mom

Today, Ron's application stopped at my desk. Ron was looking for janitorial work at a local hospital. In checking over his application, I saw that he had listed his last place of employment as having 'closed down', but had given a number for Ms. Gray, his boss there. I dialed the number and got this message on someone's voice mail: 'hi, this is Betina Jackson, leave me a message'. Interestingly enough, Jackson was Ron's last name too. And, to make matters even more suspicious, Ron's home phone number was the same number for Ms. Gray. I decided I'd better call Ron to shed some light on what was going on here.

Me: 'Ron, I've got a question about your last job. It says here that your boss' name was Gray, but the phone number you gave us was for Betina Jackson.'
Ron: 'Yeah, she's my momma. She owned the place. Her maiden name was Gray, that's why I wrote that down.'
Me: 'Yes, but Ron, you can't list your mother as a reference. We need to talk to someone who isn't related to you because your mom can't really give us a fair assessment of the kind of work that you do.'
Ron: 'Okay, here's a number for Miss Riley. She was my boss too. You can call her.'

The number was busy when I called, but I have a strange feeling that I'm going to get to meet Ron's aunt real soon.



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