being fate's punch-line
So after the brief experience with Nancy, who I thought was the 'right' type of girl for me, went so terribly awry, I've decided that perhaps this is a sign that the 'right' type of girl is not 'right' at all, but is instead quite wrong. With this being said, I asked Lindsay out to dinner.
We met, had a wonderful dinner, and spent most of the evening together. Twice now, I've had an incredible time with this girl...yet my gut keeps telling me to 'watch out'. Not that my gut is really all that intelligent.
But it would appear that fate has made my 'Lindsay or Nancy' choice that much easier. Although usually when I let fate make my choices for me, I find that it's really just having a good laugh at my expense.
And, for awhile at least, it looks like I'll be giving fate quite a bit to laugh about.
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