With Nancy's decision fresh in my mind, I decided on a nice solo lunch today.
So I return from lunch, sit down behind my desk, and who should appear right in front of me shortly thereafter? None other than Nancy.
"Why did you skip out on me for lunch today?" She asked. Which led to many different thoughts...the first, and foremost being, "Huh?". The second, closely following the first, was, "you've got to be kidding, right?" But she wasn't kidding at all.
So I said, "you made things pretty clear yesterday."
So she said, "I didn't mean that we couldn't go for lunch together."
Which led me to say, "Well, I guess that every now and then it would be alright."
Which led her to say...well, actually, she didn't say anything. Instead she just sort of stormed off. Which, once again, led me to think, "Huh?"
So here's my nearest guess as to the differing thought processes going on here:
We won't date, but will go out for lunch almost every day. People at work, upon seeing this, will continue asking her if we're dating and the rumor mill will be in full force around the office, but since we won't be dating, it won't matter that everyone thinks we are, since we're really not. Therefore, eating together everyday is perfectly fine, since they are all wrong.
We date outside of work on our own time. Around the office we'll spend very little time together so that people won't think we're dating, even though we are. This way, people won't talk, but we can see what develops outside of the office. This means, cooling it on the lunches, but doing dinner when no co-workers will be around to see us.
I think my way makes more sense. And I think that I'll be taking my future lunches on a non-Nancy basis from here on out. And I can't say that I mind one bit.
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