how i aced my final exam
My last economics class of the semester is tomorrow night and, as is the case with many final classes, this is the one where our final exam is due. The final exam for this class was a take-home test, and we've had all week to work on it. Having a week to work on the test means that I waited until the last night to start.
It's only a 40 point, multiple choice test, so it didn't really rank that high on my, 'things to worry about' list, falling somewhere below nuclear holocaust but above losing a quarter in a vending machine. Although, in looking it over, I realized that none of the questions were anywhere to be found in the text book. Now, please don't mistake this as meaning that I actually 'read' the text book, and that this is how I knew the answers weren't somewhere 'in' the textbook, but rather that I searched through the index. And not a single page was revealed as being 'the' page that would contain the answer to the different questions that were posed.
Being a take home test, I figured that we were allowed to use any resource available...the internet I went on-line in search of the answers. I simply typed in a few key words and choice phrases from the first question, scanned down the list of results, and found a website that looked promising. So I clicked on it. And before my eyes I saw the exact same question, with the exact same multiple choice answers as the one that was on my final exam. Oddly enough, all of the questions on the web were exactly the same as the ones on my test. And after scrolling down to the bottom of the web page, I saw a little 'click here to grade your test' button, which I clicked, and was then given all of the correct answers to all the questions that made up my final exam.
So basically, I stumbled across my final exam on the internet, complete with every single answer.
Now, if you've ever attended a college or even a high school class, I'm sure you've heard the 'plagiarism' speech. 'You will fail this class, be expelled from this school, and will be condemned to an eternity of fire and brimstone if you plagiarize!' Well, this college is no different, and I hear the speech at the start of every class. Yet, here was our professor taking her whole final exam, word for word, from a test that she found on-line. And she copied it, straight down to the very last period. Yep, my professor plagiarized her whole final exam.
Which is why I don't feel bad at all about having aced the test.
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