musical chairs...and desks...and offices
Yesterday, my two and a half week ‘training period’ finally ended. Which means that I am now suppose to know practically everything about the job. Truthfully, though, the only thing I know for certain is that I now have to buy my own lunches. For the entire orientation process, the company bought my lunch. The food is now gone. And while the week after week of training continually numbed my mind, at least my stomach was full. For this, I am sorry to see my training end. That and the fact that I still have no idea what my actual function will be.
I had been at a remote site for the duration of my training period, and upon returning I found that many changes had occurred. The Director of Operations, who was in charge at the time of my hiring, was gone upon my return. Apparently, a better job offer was offered and she left. The Assistant Director of Operations was promoted into the Director position. It seems that on the day prior to his Directatorship becoming official, he left all of his keys on the President’s desk and never returned. Phone calls were made only to find that his phone had been disconnected. No one has heard from him since. So with no Director of Operations to direct the operating of the operations, the entire operation was inoperable.
Naturally, a new director had to be found. So the Assistant Marketing Director was named as the new Director of Operations…which left his old spot unfilled. A billing administrator was moved into the Assistant Marketing Director position, which now leaves me as the sole member of the billing and collections department. Which is big trouble for me…but more so for the company…because I have no idea what I’m doing.
Despite this, however, I’ve got a nice office with a fancy desk. And on this desk is a very cool Rolodex that I have spent countless hours spinning around and around. I have also discovered the joy of white out tape and, when finished with my Rolodex spinning tasks, I have been whiting out countless line items from various sheets that I have found in my desk drawers.
But I can’t help but think that a company where people shift from title to title, department to department, and where some disappear completely, may not make for the most secure and stable working environment. On the other hand, there is clearly room for advancement. Especially for a skilled Rolodex spinning, white outer like myself.
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